Research shows that girls are equally as strong as boys in math in middle school, and some studies even indicate that girls test stronger. So why are there so few girls in advanced math classes in high school?

Unfortunately, research also shows that girls start to lose interest or confidence in math in middle school, especially in underserved schools.

Girls Learning Advanced Math (GLAM) aims to empower these young girls to develop confidence and passion for math – and sustain it. GLAM is taught by all-female instructors who love math and act as both teachers and mentors. GLAM is taught in small group settings so that every young girl feels safe and self-assured in her learning environment.


schools across 4 cities


total volunteer instructors


total student participants

GLAM started in 2018 in only one middle school with one volunteer, and has expanded to several middle schools across New York City, Boston, New Haven and expanding to the Bay Area. GLAM has had over 100 different volunteers and over 150 student participants in its five years.